International Tournament of Young Mathematicians

The ITYM is a team competition for high school students from all over the world. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in mathematics and its applications, to develop scientific thinking, communication skills and teamwork.

In contrast to olympiads, the problems for the ITYM are published several months in advance and contain parts with no known solution. During the tournament the participating students present their results in a kind of research debate involving Reporter, Opponent, Reviewer and Observer.

The ITYM developed out of national tournaments in some countries, especially from Eastern Europe. The need for an international tournament became increasingly clear over the last few years. The ITYM was motivated, in particular, by the growing popularity of the International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT).

The first ITYM is being co-organized by the University Paris-Sud 11 and Animath and will take place from 27th June to 3rd July 2009 on the University campus in Orsay (located 30 km from Paris).energia

All countries are invited to send a team composed of 5 students and accompanied by one team leader. A preliminary version of the official regulations has been established.

The problems for the International Tournament are suggested by contemporary mathematicians and satisfy the following criteria:

  • each problem is partially unsolved, i.e. contains parts with no known solution,
  • each problem is accessible to high school students, i.e. the authors are certain that some elementary research work can be done on the problem.

The original problems come from the fields of algebra, analysis, combinatorics, geometry, and number theory.

Here is the official list of problems for the first ITYM.

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