În 22 noiembrie, copiii si tinerii care vor sa studieze în Marea Britanie pot participa la un târg educational organizat la British Council.
Universitatile participante sunt: Cardiff University, Cardiff Business School, De Montfort University, Kaplan Holborn College si Kaplan Financial, London Metropolitan University, London South Bank University Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Law School, Queen Mary University of London, Teesside University, The University of Law The University of Manchester, University College Birmingham, University for the Creative Arts, University of Birmingham, University of Chichester, University of Cumbria, University of East Anglia, University of Essex, University of Greenwich, University of Kent, University of Lincoln, University of West London si University of the West of England.
Scolile care îsi vor prezenta ofertele la târg sunt: Christ College, Brecon, Regent College, The Duke of York's Royal Military School si Windermere School.
Târgul va avea loc în 22 noiembrie, între orele 11.00 si 19.00, la un hotel din Capitala. Intrarea este gratuita.